Jyoti Kumari
Sep 4, 20212 min read
Covid-19 Vaccines - Patent waiver Debate
An initiative was started by India and South Africa at the "World Trade Organization" to impose a waiver on the patent of COVID-19 vaccines
Jyoti Kumari
Sep 4, 20212 min read
What will happen if I don't get a patent?
So, if you don't patent your Invention or your creative work, people are surely going to copy and sell your invention.
Jyoti Kumari
Sep 2, 20212 min read
Patent Duration and expiration...
The validity of a patent is for a maximum 20 years, starting from the filing date of the patent application.
Jyoti Kumari
Sep 1, 20212 min read
Importance and advantages of patents
"The importance of patents is recognized globally"
Patent law promotes "innovation of technology".
Jyoti Kumari
Aug 31, 20212 min read
Patentable and Non patentable inventions
Invention and discoveries like "Theory of Relativity", "Newton Laws" and "Theory of Gravity" do not qualify for this.
Jyoti Kumari
Aug 26, 20212 min read
To Patent or Not To Patent?
A patent is nothing but a monopoly provided by the government officials, an authority, protection and permission to sell your inventions.