Want to help out to make this blog better?
Open positions
Blog Writer
Come and help us to write educational blogs on law! You choose the topics that YOU are interested in! During this process, you will not only develop and enhance your writing skills but also learn more about Law yourself! Don't hesitate! Join right now! Please check out our step-by-step guide for aspiring blog writers.
Book/Movie Critic
We welcome anyone who likes to write reviews/recommendation of any books/movies (of course related to law) that they have read/watch. You don't need any previous experience! As long as you are passionate about what you are writing about.
Forum regulator
Do you have creative juices to help hype up the community? Want to help moderate a 600+ group who are willing to learn more about law? Don't hesitate! Come and sign up!
Are you interested in promoting Law101 on social media? Do you like to enhance your communication skills by helping Law101 gain more exposure? Come! We need you!
Law101 Podcast will provide you an opportunity to lead and be part of a team where you could engage in various legal topics. YOU will decide on what goes on the podcast!
Initiate Your Own Project
Want to become a leader of a project that you are passionate about? Law101 provides a platform for you where you can experiment and try out different ideas to ignite their interest in pursuing law as a future career. YOU can be the game changer!
Are you interested in TikTok or video making? Come help us make fun and educational videos to help more young teens to get to know our website!
Meet Isabelle
Passionate about Consitutional Law and Intellectual Property (and Bakery)